U.S.A. Patients

I am David and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute

I am Daniel and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute

I am Dimond and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute

I am Vincent and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute

I am Jeremy and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute

I am Michael and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute 21 years ago

I am Laura and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.

I am Daren and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.
Compare his old surgery scar with his new “NANO NICK”.

His previous surgery was called a “minimally invasive microdiscectomy”.

The patient says it was actually “extremely invasive”!!

I am Jane and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.

9 months update : “Doing fantastic”

I am Rachel and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute
Thank you card from Rachel after 1 year.

I am Luke and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.

I am Ashley and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.

I am Mitchel and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.


I am Michael and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.


I am Blake and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute. A present time update: Patient is doing well and is very happy!


I am Adam and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute. A present time update: Patient is doing well and is very happy!


I am Randall and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute. A present time update: Patient is doing well and is very happy!


I am Michael and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute. A present time update: Patient is doing well and is very happy!


I am Ronald and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute. A present time update: Patient is doing well and is very happy!


I am Raul and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute. A present time update: Patient is doing well and is very happy!


I am Brian from California and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Stephana from Colorado and I had my non-traumatic surgery at the Back Institute


I am Greg from California and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Allison from South Carolina, and I had non-traumatic neck surgery at the Back Institute


I am Clyde from Texas, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am David from Virginia, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Miranda from Illinois and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Paul from California, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute. (9 years ago)


I am Stan from Georgia, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Steven from California, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am David from California, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Neil from new York, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Dan from California, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute in 2001


I am Nicholas from Washington, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Louis from new York, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.


I am a Tyler from Missouri, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.


I am Robert from California, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Michael from New York, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.


I am Shawn from Arizona, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.


THREE members of one family came from Michigan (in 1999, 2002 and 2014). Now they can smile and laugh again.*


I am a Jarred from New York, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.


I am Anna from Tennessee, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.


I am Shirley from Arizona, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Greg from California, and I had non-traumatic neck surgery at the Back Institute


I am Rachel from Florida, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Matt from California, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Lynn from Illinois, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Mary from California, and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute


I am Ann and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.


I am Jan and I had non-traumatic back surgery at the Back Institute.